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Idontknowthisguy:Hacking Quake

From Quake Wiki

Revision as of 11:24, 5 June 2009 by Idontknowthisguy (talk | contribs) (further down the rabbit hole)
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I've looked around and found no real documentation on Quake hacking. I'm sure I'll find some eventually, but I want to document my experience, and hopefully help some people who will be in the position I'm in now. This wiki is a solid resource, so hopefully my additions will be a useful contribution.

I'll begin with the DarkPlaces engine by Lord Havoc, but hopefully move on to others, like the Twilight engine; maybe making specific docs for each, but hopefully having an engine agnostic reference to tie it all together.

Good References

Darkplaces Hacking


To get started, look at the makefile. The makefile is how you compile the program, so it should give us some pretty good hints on where to start looking. What it does:

  1. determine the platform (Windows, BSD, OS X, Solaris, or Linux)
  2. gathers info based on the platform (architecture)
  3. sets the variables to be used in compilation for the appropriate platform
  4. sets the sound variables based on what you passed to make or the platform
  5. includes, which has variable definitions shared by all makefiles

I don't know what the rest does, but I hazard a guess that it's not all that important.

make Output

It compiles the source according to the platform specifications and options selected, then compiles the files in alphabetical order. Let's take a look at them.

