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From Quake Wiki

void sprint(entity player, string msg)


Prints a message to a specific player. Messages will continue to print on the same line until a \n character is placed, allowing chaining of calls to print to the same line.

This builtin has special functionality in that it can accept an unlimited number of string arguments (with a cap of 255 characters in a string). Multiple versions of the builtin can be assigned to the same index with as many additional string arguments as needed e.g.

    void sprint3(entity player, string start, string middle, string end) = #24;

This can allow for easily inserting numbers into the middle of the string since normally this would require a chain of multiple calls to do.

sprint3(player, "You've found ", ftos(self.count), " switches\n");

will display as "You've found 4 switches" if self.count is 4.


  • player
The player to send the message to.
  • msg
The message to display.


// Send a pick up message to the player that picked up the item
if (other.flags & FL_CLIENT)
    sprint(other, "You picked up the ");
    sprint(other, self.netname);
    sprint(other, "\n");