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From Quake Wiki

Revision as of 20:06, 29 August 2024 by (talk)

This command gives the specified item to the player and is considered a cheat.


Give [argument] [quantity]

Note that all arguments do not require a quantity.


Give 3

This will give you weapon number 3, namely the double barrel shotgun. Note that the game will not give you any ammo for weapons spawned this way, that is something you have to do manually.

Give Rockets 100

This will give you 100 rocket ammo.


Note that ammo quantity maximum is 255 but in the game you can only hold 200 natively, so if you have 255 of any ammo and pick up any additional your ammo count will decrease to 200

1 to 8 (Gives you the corresponding weapon)

Shells (Sets shotgun ammo quantity)

Nails (Sets nailgun ammo quantity)

Rockets (Sets rocket launcher and grenade launcher ammo quantity)

Cells (Sets lightning gun ammo quantity)

Health (Sets player health)

give # - give weapon number #; doesn't give corresponding ammo. For example, give 3 will give you the Double-Barrelled Shotgun give X ### - give ### of X; X can be S (Shells), N (Nails), R (Rockets), C (Cells), or H (Health). The ammo counter can only go as high as 255, meaning players with more ammo will appear to have less ammo than they honestly have (it overlaps, meaning after firing at an ammo count of 0 it will go back to 255). If the player picks up any type of ammo dropped by an enemy, all ammo amounts will revert back to the maximum obtainable without console commands (for example, if the player has 255 nails and picks up a drop, they will have 200 nails). The player can have up to 294911 health, afterwards their view will turn sideways and they will appear to be dead. It is still possible for the player to move around and finish the level in this angle, though if the player is injured enough to go below 294912 their view will be immediately corrected. Note also that Health over 100 will only last for the duration of the level, similar to the effects of the 100 Health powerup. give health - "kills" the player (the player can still jump and shoot, but cannot move and is lying on their side). This happens because the game reads the first letter on the setence first which is h, and then reads ealth for the value.