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From Quake Wiki

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Revision as of 11:46, 13 June 2020

The FTE Model Viewer

There is an in-engine model viewer, it can display any type of model that's supported. This is useful for modellers and animators for debugging purposes. For a list of all possible model formats, see FTEQW File Formats

Displaying a model

If FTEQW is windowed, you can drag and drop a file onto the program window to display it. You can also do it with a console command:

Hud Info

Bug: The 'm' key sets one of 7 modes, but the mode you're currently in isn't displayed on the HUD.

Surf 0: surfName
The selected surface. A polygon object in the model is known as a surface.

Skin0: "", Material "materialName"
The selected skin texture. This should be the name of the shader that was assigned to the object in your 3d editor.

Bug: The IQM-Tool doesn't prepend "progs/" to the material name. This will cause the skin not to be found when the model is loaded into FTE. As a workaround, you can prepend the path yourself in notepad if your input file is an ASCII format, before converting it to IQM.

Bug: The HUD does not display the path of the material, this means you can't see if the path is broken or know where it's looking for the material.

frame0: animName (n poses, n of n secs, Looped/Unlooped)
The selected animation sequence. Even though it's called a frame, it's really a full animation sequence consisting of multiple frames

Mins: -n -n -n
The Mins of the bbox?

Maxs: n n n
The Maxs of the bbox?

flags:0 0x1400
The bitflags on the model for things like particle trails

Camera Controls

Bug: There are no controls to pan the model, this prevents looking at a specific part of a model when its zoomed in. It's difficult to see the joints in skeletal models because of this.

Function Key Assignment
zoom in w
zoom out s
tilt up up arrow, keypad up arrow, or K_GP_DPAD_UP
tilt down dn arrow, keypad dn arrow, or K_GP_DPAD_DOWN
rotate left left arrow or keypad left arrow or K_GP_DPAD_LEFT
rotate right right arrow or keypad right arrow or K_GP_DPAD_RIGHT

Selection Commands

Bug: When there's a lot of joints in the skeleton, the list of joints will overflow off the bottom of the screen, and using the [ and ] keys will not scroll the list.

Function Key Assignment Usage
next surface ins highlites a surf
prev surface del highlites a surf
next skin home shows a skin
prev skin end shows a skin
next frame pgup shows another anim or frame
prev frame pgdn shows another anim or frame
next joint ] highlites a joint
prev joint [ highlites a joint

Misc Commands

Function Key Assignment Usage
mode m there are 7 modes: none, bones, shader, texture, collision, events, normals. Keep pressing 'm' to cycle through them.
texture map t there are 10 types of map: diffuse, normal, specular, upper, lower, paletted, fullbright, reflectcube, reflectmask, displacement. Keep pressing 't' to cycle through them.
reset times r this seems to restart the animation
flop ragdoll f I think it pushes a ragdoll so you can see how it looks?
unknown command1 a doesn't seem to do anything
unknown command2 d doesn't seem to do anything
unknown command3 space something related to a shader file?
unknown command4 keydown[K_MOUSE1] && mods->mousedown doesn't seem to do anything