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Mapping links

From Quake Wiki

Revision as of 16:13, 1 January 2022 by Spirit (talk | contribs) (remove quoth, was out of place in this list of communities)


Func_Msgboard is the main level design forum/news site for Quake.


Quaddicted serves as both the major 'review' and archive of Quake levels. It also has an extensive archive of tools and files related to Quake and the modding community in general.

The BSP Club

The BSP Club is a community focused on content creation for game engines which utilize the classic Brush based level editing system. It is a non-public community based on the proprietary Discord chat service.

Quake Mapping Discord

The Quake Mapping Discord is a moderated server dedicated to mapping for Quake. It is a non-public community based on the proprietary Discord chat service.